Major Unusual Incidents/Unusual Incidents REQUIREMENTS

Anytime an Unusual Incident (UI) / Major Unusual Incident (MUI) occurs, you must document it on an Unusual Incident Report form.

Ensure you notify the appropriate parties if a UI / MUI occurs. If an unusual incident occurs, please fill out a UIR form to send to the individual’s SSA.

If a Major Unusual Incident occurs, first ensure the safety of the individual and then immediately report to the WCBDD by calling the emergency on-call at 740-516-5970. You must also fill out and submit an UI report form and submit to

MUI/UI Resources and Forms

You are required to maintain a monthly UI Log – even if you have 0 incidents. Analysis must be completed by January 31st and submitted to the WCBDD by February 28th. This must be kept in your files. Email copies of Annual Report forms and UI logs to