Special Olympics
The Washington County Special Olympics is a group of athletes who live in Washington County. These athletes range from age 8 and up. Currently, we offer Track and field, Individual Basketball Skills, and Swimming to the participants. We have approximately 85 athletes who compete in the area events and state meets.
Washington County Special Olympics is a non-profit organization funded through private and community donations and fund raising projects.
Special Olympics contributes to the physical, social and psychological development of the athletes. Through successful experiences in sports, they gain confidence and build a positive self-image, which carries over into the classroom, home job and community.
Requirements are that you must receive a physical from a physician, sign a release of which are state requirements. You must also sign a contract with the local coordinator, which includes the rules and regulations for Washington County participants.
To become a part of our team your may contact Rachelle Sprouse (Head Coach and Local Coordinator) at (740) 350-9385. All new athletes are welcome.
Please see below for all required forms as well as more Special Olympics resources.